Cat Hotel

Valkenburg, zuid Limburg
Château Le Chat
* * * * *

Go on vacation with peace of mind ♥

Château Le Chat is a new cat hotel, conveniently located in Valkenburg, South Limburg.

Discover where your cat(s) can experience the most luxurious private suites and the best care. While you relax and enjoy your vacation, your beloved cat(s) will want for nothing!

Kattenhotel 3

Let your cat enjoy in peace and luxury.

small scale cat hotel

Designed and cared for by behavioural therapists.

Impressive luxury suites

unique 24/7 camera access for the cat owners

Private rooms

without other cats

As no one else understands, we know that ‘bringing or leaving’ your beloved pet(s) is not easy at all!

With this in mind, we have established Cat Hotel Château Le Chat, where we have been able to fully apply our expertise as behavioral specialists in the design of the hotel rooms.

This ensures that your cat enjoys as much peace and comfort as possible, allowing you to go on vacation with peace of mind.


Château La Chat

our exclusive suites
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In the spacious farmhouse of Huisdierverhalen, there are 5 beautiful cat rooms available. These are located on the first floor, and each space has its own entrance door, allowing for a calm process when bringing and picking up feline guests.

Naturally, cats feel most comfortable in their own home. Some can handle changes well, while others may have difficulty adjusting. To ensure that the acclimatization process is as pleasant and quick as possible, you can reserve a room for all your cats, and no other cats from different families will be included. A private room is truly exclusively for your pet(s).

To provide an optimal lodging experience, the correct placement of the right facilities is of great importance. Therefore, we have applied our expertise as behaviour therapists in the design of the rooms.

There are countless resting spots available at different heights, and our guests can take advantage of the many hiding places made from various sizes and materials. Additionally, there is no shortage of scratching options; cats can choose from tall, short, thick, and thin scratching posts, as well as various horizontal and vertical scratching mats. We offer mental stimulation in a responsible manner. All provided toys are safe, and if our guests are open to it, we will regularly offer interactive playtime sessions during their stay. And if there are still cats that might get bored, a whole arsenal of food puzzles and brain games is ready for even more entertainment!

Finally, we embrace the scientific evidence that piano sounds and aromas can have a calming effect on pets. Therefore, all rooms are equipped with soft, soothing piano music, and we use an aroma diffuser with stress-reducing scents.

No one likes to encounter surprises. Most cats place great importance on their established routines and environment. We do not make a trial period mandatory because our accommodations are shielded from potential stressors, but we strongly recommend it to prevent any issues. In case of any doubts about the stay, we offer a standard trial period of 3 days.

The primary reason for the 2 trial nights is to carefully observe how the guest(s) adapt to their temporary new situation and to ensure they start eating within 48 hours. Cats that do not eat within 48 hours have a high risk of hepatic lipidosis, a condition that can be life-threatening. Naturally, everyone wants to avoid this at all costs, but if an owner is on the other side of the world at that moment, coming home quickly is not an option.

For all trial periods, the policy is: 3 days of stay = pay for 2 days.

All cats from 5 months old are warmly welcome to stay in our cat hotel. However, there are a few requirements:

  • Intact male cats are welcome until they are 7 months old; after this, only neutered males will be admitted.
  • A cat with diabetes or another condition requiring medication? That’s not a problem, and administering medication is part of our service.


Vaccinations and Titer Testing

Although our guests do not come into contact with other cats, this does not mean that the risk of transmitting diseases and pests is absent.

All feline guests must be vaccinated against feline panleukopenia (valid for 3 years) and feline herpesvirus (valid for 1 year), and upon arrival, the vaccination passport must be presented. A titer test is also a valid proof of vaccination (feline panleukopenia). The Bordetella vaccination is not mandatory.

We advocate for minimizing the use of chemical products; therefore, deworming and flea treatments are not mandatory. If an infestation is detected, appropriate medication will be administered.

The reservation is only confirmed once the full payment has been made.

Cat guests can be dropped off and picked up from Monday to Saturday between 9.00 – 10.00 o’clock with appointments only. We will accompany you and the cat(s) to their accommodation so they can explore the space in the presence of their owner. In the room, we will discuss the final details and unpack the items you have brought.

During the stay, you will have the opportunity to watch the room live via the camera 24/7, and if desired, you can request updates on how the cat(s) are doing. If something is wrong, we will inform every designated contact person via a message. In case of life-threatening events, we will first contact the veterinarian and then inform the contacts. Any extra costs that may arise from this, along with any travel expenses, will be charged and must be paid before the cats are taken home.



Room 1a, 1b or 2

per day for 1 cat

+ €7,50 per extra cat

max. 3 cats

Room 3 or 4

per day for 3 cats

+ €7,50 per extra cat

max. 6 cats


Contact Form

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    Start date:

    End date: